všechny kategorie
- HighQu GmbH
- NGS - příprava knihoven
- Rychlé diagnostické testy
- PCR kity a jiná chemie na COVID-19
Jena Bioscience
- LEXSY Expression
- PCR Classics & Components
- Real-Time qPCR - Jena Bioscience
- Reverse Transcription / RT-PCR
- Isothermal DNA Amplification & LAMP
- RNA/DNA Preparation
- in vitro Transcription
- DNA Cleanup
- Recombinant Enzymes
Restriction Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "E" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "C" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "D" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "B" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "A" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "S" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "R" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "T" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "K" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "N" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "F" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "X" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "M" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "H" Enzymes
- Restriction Enzymes: "P" Enzymes
- Modifying Enzymes
- Protein MW Marker / Immunostaining
- Buffers and Molecular Biology Reagents
- Cloning and Mutagenesis / Jene Bioscience
- MSI Analysis
- Food Control
- 8-[(6-Amino)hexyl]-amino-cAMP
- RNA Technologies
- Nucleotides & Nucleosides
- MagBio Genomics
- Biontex Laboratories
- Jotbody
Life Technologies / Fermentas
- Primers
- Reverse Transcription
- Preparation of template for PCR and RT-PCR
- Buffers and Reagents
- Nucleotides
- Quantitative PCR
- Standard PCR
- Generation of single-stranded PCR product
- Purification of PCR products
- GC-rich PCR
- First strand cDNA synthesis
- Long range PCR
- Real-time PCR
- Sequencing
- PCR cloning
- Analysis of PCR products
- PCR and RT-PCR set up
- PCR Equipment and Supplies
- Conventional restriction enzymes
- DNA/RNA modifying enzymes
- Molecular Cloning
- Molecular labeling & detection
DNA electrophoresis
- ZipRuler Express DNA Ladders Set, ready-to-use
- FastRuler DNA Ladders,ready-to-use
- Conventional Phage and Plasmid DNA Markers (8-1353 bp)
- ZipRuler Express DNA Ladder Set, ready-to-use (100-20000 bp)
- Electrophoresis Buffers
- Conventional Lambda DNA Markers (15-48502 bp)
- GeneRuler and O´GeneRuler DNA Ladders (10-20000 bp)
- NoLimits Individual DNA Fragments and Custom DNA Ladders
- O´RangeRuler DNA Ladders, ready-to-use (10-6000 bp)
- FastRuler DNA Ladders, ready-to-use (10-10000 bp)
- Loading Dyes
- RNA Electrophoresis
- Nucleotides & Primers
- Transfection
- BSA Solutions
- Reagents
- Ostatní
- Protein Ladders - Fermentas
- Molecular Biology Reagents and Kits
- Biochemical Reagents
- Custom Products and Services
- Protein Analysis Reagents
- Buffers and Standards
Laboratorní materiál
- Zkumavkové stripy a víčkové stripy
- Stojánky
- Špičky
- Zkumavkové stripy s víčkem
- Těsnící fólie
- PCR zkumavky 0,2 ml
- Zkumavky s nízkou přilnavostí
- Zkumavky 2,0 ml
- PCR zkumavky 1,5 ml
- PCR zkumavky 0,5 ml
- Zkumavky pro mikrocentrifugy
- Zkumavky se šroubovacím víčkem
- Certifikované zkumavky
- Microcentrifuge Tube
- Zkumavky 1,5 ml
- Speciální zkumavky
- Centrifugal Tube
- Zkumavky 0,5 ml, 0,6ml
- Skleněné zkumavky
- Zkumavky 0,1ml, 0,2ml,0,4ml
- Cryo zkumavky
- Uzávěry pro zkumavky a mikrozkumavky
- Zkumavky 3ml, 4ml, 5ml, 6ml, 6,5ml, 7ml, 11,9ml,12 ml, 12,7ml
- Manipulační a skladovací systémy
- Manipulační a skladovací krabičky
- Laboratorní příslušenství
- Mikrobiologie
- Histologie a mikroskopie
- Bezpečnostní a běžné laboratorní zboží
- Hematologie a biochemie
- TC Testplate
- TC Flak
- TC Dish
- Rukavice
- Sáčky a pytlíky
- Plastové nádoby a kelímky
- Plastové láhve, kanystry a střičky
- Škrabky buněk (normální a otočné)
- Silikonové hadičky
- pipety
- Kyvety
- Destičky
- petriho misky
- Míchací tyčinky
- Nálevky a trychtýře
- Odběr a transport vzorků
- Tácky a misky
- Odměrky
- Electron Microscopy
- Kosmetika
- Sekvenace DNA/RNA a bioinformatika
- Veterina