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Kód produktu: 240007 Kód výrobce: 240007 Kód dodavatele: {28F7ABAE-96BC-4540-B70B-A56E17D9A9FC} Výrobce: EUROTUBO DELTALAB
168,19 Kč
139,00 Kč bez DPH
do týdne

Na obrázku pod číslem 4.

Zobraz detailní popis

Detailní popis

Containers manufactured with virgin raw materials enabling incineration; four and six liters containers are made in autoclavable polypropylene, the rest in polyethylene.
Suitable for solid waste type II and III.
They are compound by a body bearing the hazard warning label, and two lids:
– The first offers an entire opening, taking advantage of the total diameter of the mouth of the container; very useful to throw away bigger volume waste. May be closed hermetically and definitively
– The secondary one presents a partial opening, which may be closed temporarily or definitively. It embodies two devices in order to easy the extraction/disconnection of dental and analytical needles, and a 70 x 42 mm rectangular orifice. All containers, excepting code 241500, embody a handle In accordance with major European and international standards (ONU ADR, etc.).

Autoclavable (see more information about autoclaving in page 11)


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