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MagJET Plasmid DNA Kit

Kód produktu: K2792 Kód výrobce: K2792 Kód dodavatele: {7F3EB286-5ECB-4B3A-9E6B-C41C73C9652F} Výrobce: Life Technologies Czech Republic s.r.o.
20 703,10 Kč
17 110,00 Kč bez DPH
do týdne


Purifies plasmid DNA from overnight E. coli cultures using paramagnetic bead technology.
Zobraz detailní popis

Detailní popis

The Thermo Scientific MagJET Plasmid DNA Kit is designed for fast and efficient purification of plasmid DNA (up to 4-5 µg/mL) or high copy plasmid DNA from overnight E. coli culture.

the kit utilizes paramagnetic bead technology enabling high yields and robust performance. High binding capacity, uniform particle size, and rapid magnetic response of MagJET Magnetic Beads makes the technology ideal for high throughput automatic nucleic acid purification, as well as for manual purification for low sample throughput users.

The resulting high quality DNA is free of proteins, nucleases and other contaminants or inhibitors. Purified plasmid DNA can be used in a wide range of downstream applications such as PCR, qPCR and other enzymatic reactions.


  • High yields – up to 5 µg of plasmid DNA from 1 mL of bacterial culture
  • Pure – isolated DNA is immediately ready-to-use in downstream application such as sequencing, transcription, digestion with restriction enzymes or transfection of robust cell lines
  • Flexible – automation and manual processing protocols available
  • Repeatable results and robust performance 


Fast isolation of high purity plasmid DNA suitable for all conventional molecular biology procedures, including:

  • FastDigest or conventional restriction digestion
  • Automated fluorescent and radioactive sequencing
  • PCR
  • In vitro transcription
  • Transformation
  • Transfection of robust cell lines


  • Lysis Buffer
  • Resuspension Buffer
  • Neutralization Buffer
  • MagJET Magnetic Beads
  • RNase A
  • Wash Buffer 1 (conc.)
  • Wash Buffer 2 (conc.)
  • Elution Buffer
Hazardous Yes
Hazardous: No
Quality Control Thermo Scientific MagJET Plasmid DNA Kit is qualified by isolating high copy plasmid DNA from 0.5-5 mL of overnight E. coli culture grown in LB or rich growth medium (OD600 = 2-6). The quality of isolated DNA is evaluated spectrophotometrically and by agarose gel electrophoresis. The purified DNA has an A260/A280 ratio of 1.8±0.2.
Shelf Life 36 Months
Shelf Life:
Shipping Condition Ambient
Shipping Condition:
Shipping Information
Storage Condition Ambient
Storage Condition:

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