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Kód produktu: 900300 Kód výrobce: 900300 Kód dodavatele: {D1AEE10A-C252-4162-B7A5-E55512950D40} Výrobce: EUROTUBO DELTALAB
3 195,38 Kč
2 640,81 Kč bez DPH
do týdne

Detailní popis

Sealing film for use with microplates, multiwell plates and microtiter plates.
1. Minimises the risk of contamination or reagent spillage during ELISA or PCR processes.
2. Minimises the risk of contamination from tube to tube and from plate to plate.
3. Prevents sample evaporation.
A 5 mm wide strip (opaque white) at the lateral edges of the film helps pull the film from its protective paper and prevents it sticking onto fingers. The film is thermostable and
functional from –70 ºC to 95 ºC at 75% humidity.
RNAse and DNAse free. DMSO resistant.
We recomend to use the “roller” 900330 to ensure a perfect seal.


DNAse and RNAse free Suitable for PCR Suitable for QPCR (Real Time PCR)


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